
Janusz Wójcik, Ph.D., D.Sc.

Category: Staff
Published on Thursday, 25 February 2010 15:09
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Janusz Wójcik, Ph.D., D.Sc.

Associate Professor

room: 512
ext. phone: 253

Janusz Wójcik completed his master’s – engineer studies at the faculty of Technical Physics and Applied Mathematics at the Warsaw Technical University, and in 1983 he received his M.Sc. degree on the basis of the master’s thesis “Holographic- Correlation Coordinator to Control the Space Ship Movements". In 1988, he started to work in the Fluid Mechanic Department of the IFTR. In 1990, he received his PhD degree at the IFTR on the basis of the dissertation entitled "Nonlinear Envelope Waves in The Vlasov-Maxwell Plasma” – from the domain of nonlinear electrodynamics of the plasma.

Since 1996 he has conducted research at the Ultrasound Department of IFTR. In 2000, he defended the postdoctoral dissertation "Energy Transport in Field of Ultrasound Waves". Since 2000 he has been a member of the Science Council of IFTR, PAS. In 2002 he worked at the Drexel University in Philadelphia. In 2004, he became a member of the Electronic and Material Engineering Commission of the Science Council of IFTR. Since 2005, he has been the head of the Ultrasound Introscopy Laboratory.

Janusz Wójcik is the author and co-author of over ninety publications and conference presentations, including 49 articles published in the professional journals. He participated in 10 research projects (he was the project manager in two of these projects) of the Committee for Scientific Research and the Ministry of Science and Computer Science, and the in the European research project Minuet. In 2000, he became a member of Polish Acoustical Society. He is also a member of Polish Association to Electromagnetic Applications.

He is interested in history. He admires the acoustical field of the classical music and jazz. He likes long walking tours and sailing.
Domain of research

Physics. Nonlinear waves in attenuating media: propagation including absorption and thermal effects. Scattering of the ultrasonic fields. Numerical computations of the nonlinear acoustics waves propagation including numerical modeling of measure processes specifics for acoustic. Linear and nonlinear dynamic of the Wlasov-Maxwell plasma.

Życiorys naukowy i zawodowy

Janusz Wójcik



2000: Habilitacja, IPPT PAN, "Transport Energii w polu fali ultradźwiękowej",

               PRACE IPPT 2/1999, (Polski ) Mechanika,

               Recenzenci; Profesorowie: Henryk Zorski (IPPT PAN),

                                                           Krzysztof Wilmański (Instytut Fraunhofera)

1990: Doktorat, IPPT PAN,"Nieliniowe fale obwiedniowe w plazmie Własowa-Maxwella".

               Promotor, Docent, Dr Hab. Andrzej Jarosław Turski (IPPT) Mechanika,

               Recenzenci: Docent, Dr Hab. Antoni Kuszel (Uniwersytet Warszawski),

                                  Profesor Henryk Zorski (IPPT)

1983: Magister nauk, FTiMS (Fizyka), Politechnika Warszawska,

             "Holograficzno-korelacyjny koordynator do sterowania ruchem statku kosmicznego".

             Promotor. Doktor Andrzej Kalestyński.

1977: Technikum Elektroniczno-Mechaniczne im. PPR w Warszawie.  




             2005: Kierownik Pracowni Introskopi Ultradźwiękowej w ZU IPPT PAN.

             2004: Profesor nadzwyczajny w IPPT (na czas nieokreślony) .

             1996: Adiunkt w ZU IPPT (na czas nieokreślony).

             1991: Adiunkt w ZMCiG IPPT (na czas nieokreślony).

              1987: Starszy asystent w ZMCiG IPPT (pierwsze zatrudnienie)

             1984 : Starszy asystent w ZMCiG IPPT (Studium Doktoranckie)




Fizyka. Fale nieliniowe w ośrodkach dyspersyjnych (absorpcyjnych): propagacja z uwzględnieniem absorpcji i efektów termicznych, rozpraszanie fal skalarnych w ośrodkach złożonych, modelowanie układów przetwarzających fale skalarne. Numeryczne obliczenia liniowej i nieliniowej propagacji fal akustycznych. Liniowa i nieliniowa dynamika plazmy Własowa-Maxwella.




             2011-Nagroda Dyrektora IPPT PAN za osiągnięcia naukowe,

             2000- Nagroda Dyrektora IPPT PAN za osiągnięcia naukowe,

             1999- Nagroda Dyrektora IPPT PAN za osiągnięcia naukowe,

             1998- Nagroda Dyrektora IPPT PAN za osiągnięcia naukowe.




           W czasopismach z Listy Filadelfijskiej- 40,

           pozostałe czasopisma recenzowane, publikacje konferencyjne i rozdziały w

           monografiach indeksowane w Web of Sciences - 53,

           materiały i wystąpienia konferencyjne -44

           Indeks H=10. Liczba cytacji 322



                             Zrealizowane albo w trakcie realizacji                        

1992-1993: Badania ilościowe cienia akustycznego za bryłami regularnymi o strukturze ciała

                   stałego, cieczy i gazu w zakresie ultradźwięków. (główny wykonawca)

1996-1997: Efekty Temperaturowe w silnych polach akustycznych stosowane w nowych

                 technologiach ultradźwiękowych.(główny wykonawca)

1998-1999: Badania teoretyczne i eksperymentalne nieliniowej propagacji ogniskowanych

               impulsów ultradźwiękowych stosowanych w nowych technologiach

                   ultradźwiękowych w z niejednorodnych strukturach i z wtrąceniami gazowymi.

                 (główny wykonawca)

2001-2002: Metoda wyznaczania własności mechanicznych cieczy i wielowarstwowych

                 struktur biologicznych na bazie naturalnej generacji overtonów w

                 diagnostycznych wiązkach ultradźwiękowych w odniesieniu do modeli

                   numerycznych i eksperymentu. (główny wykonawca)

2001-2003: Wytwarzanie przetworników piezoelektrycznych z poszerzonym pasmem i strefą

                   ogniskową.(główny wykonawca)

2003-2004: Modelowanie numeryczne i badania eksperymentalne nieliniowych pól

                 ultradźwiękowych generowanych przez wieloelementowe przetworniki stosowane

                 w ultrasonografii. (kierownik projektu)          

2005-2007: Optymalizacja wiązki ultradźwiękowej dla badań elastyczności ściany tętnicy

                   (główny wykonawca)

Uczestnictwo w projekcie Europejskim:

                     In European Center - MINUET - Miniaturized Ultrasonic Devices for

                     Environmental Monitoring, Telecom, medical, Industrial and Multimedia

                     Application- theme: Miniaturized Ultrasonic Engineered- Structure and LTCC-

                     Based Devices for Acoustics, Fluids, Optics and Robotic. (badacz)

2007-2010: Obrazowanie harmoniczne z zastosowaniem wielotonowego nieliniowego

                   kodowania. (kierownik projektu)

2008-2011: Optymalizacja warunków nagrzewania tkanki z zastosowaniem zogniskowanych

                 fal ultradźwiękowych. (główny wykonawca)

2010-2013: Optymalizacja rozkładu ilości źródeł w szykach o rzadkim wypełnieniu w

                  obrazowaniu ultrasonograficznym(kierownik projektu)

2011-2014: Model i konstrukcja ultrasonograficznego wzorca lewej komory serca do analizy

                   zmian ziarnistości obrazów echograficznych dla stanów fizjologicznych i

                   patologicznych. 2011-2014, (wykonawca) ,

2008-2015: NCBiR.(POIG) Diagnostyczna aparatura ultradźwiękowa- nowe metody badania

                   i obrazowania struktury tkankowej narządów człowieka (wykonawca)

2015-2018: NCN. Ocena zmian nowotworowych na podstawie parametrycznej dyskryminacji

                   własności statystycznych rozpraszania ultradźwięków w tkance piersi


2015-2018: NCN. Wspomaganie trombolizy przy pomocy streamingu ultradźwiękowego



Wystąpienia o granty.


OPUS 23 (2016-12-15) "Środowisko numeryczne do modelowania stochastycznych struktur

                tkankowych i wyznaczania ech pól akustycznych w nich rozpraszanych" (jako kierownik)

OPUS 19 (2015-12-15) "Środowisko numeryczne do modelowania stochastycznych struktur

              tkankowych i wyznaczania ech rozproszonych pól skalarnych w celu poszukiwania

              i badania korelacji cech struktur z cechami statystycznymi ech." (jako kierownik)

OPUS 17 (2015-06-16) "Fantom numeryczny stochastycznych struktur tkankowych i solver do

               poszukiwania i badania korelacji cech struktur z cechami statystycznymi ech pól

              akustycznych w nich rozpraszanych." (jako kierownik)




   Współpraca z P.A Lewinem Dyrektorem, Biomedical Ultrasound Research and Education Center,

Drexel University, Philadelphia USA. Modelowanie numeryczne i pomiary pól głowic

   ultrasonograficznych o różnych kształtach apertury.


   2002: "Visiting researcher" w Drexel University.


Współpraca z Dr hab. Robertem Olszewskim z Kliniki Kardiologii Wojskowego instytutu

Medycznego w Warszawie (Szpital przy ul. Szaserów) w zakresie metodyki oceny stanu

kurczliwości ściany serca na podstawie analizy sygnałów RF ultrasonograficznych (specles).


 Udział w kilkunastu konferencjach międzynarodowych (RFN, USA, Włochy, Francja,

 Hiszpania, Portugalia, Czechy, Chiny, Polska) i w kilkudziesięciu krajowych.        




         2014-2016: Wykłady na Studium Doktoranckim IPPT. "Scalar Wave Processing"

                  2013: Opieka nad praktykantem, z FTiMS Politechniki Warszawskiej

                  2009: Opieka nad pracą magisterską "Graficzny interfejs użytkownika do programów

                            NUT 2D i 3D" wykonanej na Politechnice Gdańskiej.

                 2015: Wykład zaproszony na posiedzeniu Oddziału Wrocławskiego Polskiego

                            Towarzystwa Akustycznego (Wydział elektroniki P. Wrocławskiej)

2012,2015, 2016: Wystąpienia na Instytutowym Seminarium Mechaniki .

         2002,2005: Udostępnienie i instruktaż użytkowy oprogramowania NUT 2D i NUT 3D

                           (solvery nieliniowych równań akustyki) dla celów realizacji rozprawy doktorskiej

                            w Drexel University (USA) i habilitacyjnej w IPPT PAN.

                  1986: Nauczyciel fizyki w Liceum Ogólnokształcącym w Warszawie-Wilanowie,

                           (3 miesiące)




2012: Rozprawa doktorska mgr inż. Pawła Wojdy z wydziału FTiMS Politechniki Gdańskiej

         "Ruch wirowy wywoływany przez ultradźwięk w płynach z relaksacją"

2010: Recenzja wydawnicza rozprawy Habilitacyjnej Dr Ksrzysztofa Opielińskiego z

         Wydziału Elektroniki Politechniki Wrocaławskiej (     )

2006: Rozprawa Habilitacyjna Anny Perelomowej z wydziału FTiMS Politechniki Gdańskiej

         ("Oddziaływanie modów akustycznych i nieakustycznych: aspekty teoretyczne akustyki


Ponadto, łącznie kilkadziesiąt recenzji dla czasopism naukowych takich jak:

             Ultrasonic, IEEE UFFC, J.Acoust.Soc.Am., J. Applied Mathematical Modeling,

             Biomedical Signal Processing and Control , Biocybernetics and Biomedical

             Engineering, Archives of Acoustics, Hydroacoustics, Journal of Mechanical

            Engineering Science.



2011-2020: Komitet Akustyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk (z wyboru)

         1996: Rada Naukowa IPPT PAN (z przerwą od 2015 do kwietnia 2016.

         2004: Komisja Elektroniki Rady Naukowej IPPT PAN (z przerwą 2015 -

                   październik 2016). W latach 2008-2014 przewodniczący tej komisji.

         2000: Polskie Towarzystwo Akustyczne,

                   Europejskie Towarzystwo Akustyczne.


Od 1992 roku - członek Polskiego Towarzystwa Zastosowań Elektromagnetyzmu oraz Sekcji Fizyki Plazmy Komitetu Fizyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk.



Artykuły w czasopismach recenzowanych, publikacje w materiałach konferencji, rozdziały w monografiach, indeksowane w Web of Science


ARTYKUŁY -czasopisma recenzowane-   [Philadelphian index]


[1-71] "Grating Lobes Suppression by Adding Virtual Receiving Subaperture in Synthetic Aperture

             Imaging",J. Wojcik, M. Lewandowski, N. Żołek, Ultrasonics, Vol, No. 2017, pp.

        DoI: 1016/j.ultras.2016.12.013,


[2-70] "Theoretical and numerical aspects of nonlinear reflection-transmission phenomena in

          acoustics", J. Wojcik , B. Gambin, Applied Mathematical Modeling (Else), Vol.42,

           2017, pp.100-113, DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2016.10.026


[3-69] "A spectral-based method for tissue characterization" J. Wójcik, M. Byra, A. Nowicki,

             Hydroacoustics , ISSN 1642-1817, Vol.19, 2016, pp.369-375


[4-68] "Differentiation of random structure properties using wavelet analysis of backscattered

             ultrasound", B. Gambin, J. Wójcik, O. Doubrovina, Hydroakustics, ISSN 1642-1817,

            Vol.19, 2016,pp.121-128


[5-67] "Strain examinations of the left ventricle phantom by ultrasound and multislices computed

             tomography imaging", Z. Trawiński, J. Wójcik, A, Nowicki, R. Olszewski, A. Balcerzak,

             E. Frankowska, A. Zegadło, P. Rydzyński, Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering,

             Vol.35(2015) pp.255–263


[6-66] "Relationship between thermal and ultrasound field in tisue in vivo", B. Gambin,

             E. Kruglenko, J. Wójcik, Hydroakustics, ISSN 1642-1817, Vol.18, pp.53-58, 2015


[7-65] "Theoretical results and numerical study on nonlinear reflection and transmission of plane

           sound sound waves", J. Wójcik, B. Gambin, J. Litniewski, Hydroakustics,

             ISSN 1642-1817, Vol.18, pp.181-192, 2015


[8-64] "Eestimation of layer thickness by the cost function optimization: phantom study",

           J. Tasinkiewicz, J. Podhajecki, J. Wojcik, K. falińska, J. litniewski, Hydroakustics,

             ISSN 1642-1817, Vol.18, pp.161-166, 2015


[9-63] "Assessment of Left Ventricle Phantom Wall Compressibility by Ultrasound and

             Computed Tomography Methods", Trawiński Z, Wójcik J, Nowicki A., Balcerzak A.,

              Olszewski R., Frankowska E., Zegadło A., Rydzyński P., Hydroakustics,

             ISSN 1642-1817, vol.17, pp.211-218, 2014


[10-62] "Ultrasound imaging of stiffness with two frequency pulses", A. Nowicki, M. Byra,

             J. Litniewski, J, Wójcik, Hydroakustics, ISSN 1642-1817, 2014 vol.17, pp.151-160


[11-61] "Foundation of the new method of numerical calculations of the nonlinear acoustics

             fields. Application for array", Janusz Wojcik, Leszek Filipczyński, Andrzej Nowicki.

             Hydroacoustics, vol. 16, ISSN 1642-1817, 2013 pp.253 – 262,.


[12-60] "Dynamic Ultrasonic Model of left Ventricle", Trawiński Z, Wójcik J., Nowicki A.,

               Olszewski R., Hydroakustics , ISSN 1642-1817, vol.16, 2013, 231-236


[13-59] "Some comments on Wójcik’s hypothesis", Piekarski, S.; Wójcik, J., arXiv:1204.6267v1,

               Cornell University Library, apr. 2012 [pdf] .


[14-58] "Mathematical and Ultrasonographic Model of the Left Ventricle:in Vitro Studies",

               Olszewski R., Trawiński Z., Wójcik J., Nowicki A., Archives of Acoustics ,

               37 (4) 2012, pp.583-595


[15-57] "Cumulative method of the image reconstruction in synthetic aperture. experimental

             results", J. Wojcik, I. Trots, M. Lewandowski, A. Nowicki, Hydroakustics,

               ISSN 1642-1817, 2012, vol. 15 ,pp.195-206


[16-56] "Modeling and analysis of multiple scattering of acoustic waves in complex media:

               Application to the trabecular bone”, Wojcik J., Litniewski J., Nowicki A.,

                 J.Acoust. Soc. Am., 130 (4),2011, pp.1908-1918


[17-55] "Statistics of the envelope of ultrasonic backscatter from human trabecular bone”,

              J. Litniewski, L. Cieślik, J Wójcik, A. Nowicki, J.Acoust.Soc. Am.,130 (4), 2011,



[18-54] "Thick Film Transducers for High Frequency Coded Ultrasonography", Nowicki A.,

             Lewandowski M., Wójcik J., Tymkiewicz R.,Lou-Moller R.,Wolny W., Zawada T.,

             Archives of Acoustics, 36 (4), 2011, pp. 945-954.


[19-53] "Applying crystallography in analysis of trabecular bone backscatter”, Wójcik J.,

               Litniewski J., Nowicki A., Gambin B., Hydroacoustics, ISSN 1642-1817, Vol.14, 2011,



[20-52] "Example of structure modeling and analysis of ultrasound scattering for trabecular bone",

         J. Wojcik, J. Litniewski, A. Nowicki, Archives of Acoustics, 35, (4) ,2010, pp.701-713.


[21-51] "Annular array transducers and matched amplifier for therapeutic ultrasonography",

               W.Secomski, A. Nowicki, J. Wójcik, M. Walczak, R. Tymkiewicz, Archives of

             Acoustics, 35, (4), 2010, pp.653- 660,


[22-50] "Temperature fields induced in rat liver in vitro by pulsed low intensity focused

               ultrasound" T. Kujawska, J. Wójcik, A. Nowicki, Hydroacoustics, ISSN 1642-1817,

         vol.13, 2010, pp.153-162.


[23-49] "Ultrasonic Characterization of Trabecular Bone:Two Scatterers’ Population Model"

              Litniewski, A. Nowicki, J. Wojcik, Physic Procedia (Elsevier), Vol.3, 2010, pp.707-712


[24-48] "Nonlinearly Coded Signals for Harmonic Imaging", A. Nowicki, J. Wójcik, T. Kujawska,

             Archives of Acoustics, 34, No.1,2009, pp.63-74.


[25-47] "Multiple scattering contribution to trabecular bone backscatter", J. Wójcik, J. Litniewski,

              A. Nowicki, Hydroacoustics, vol.12, 2009,pp.227-236


[26-46] "Numerical modeling of ultrasound-Induced Temperature Fields in Multi Layer Nonlinear

            Attenuating Media ", T.Kujawska, J. Wójcik, A. Nowicki, Hydroacoustics, vol.12, 2009,

             pp.91-98, ISSN 1642-1817


[27-45] "Multitone Nonlinear Coding", A. Nowicki, J. Wojcik, W. Secomski, Hydroacoustics,

             Vol.11, 2008, pp.289-298


[28-44] "Ultrasonic non-invasive method for relative changes measurements of IMT in common

             carotid artery wall" Z. Trawiński", T. Powałowski, J. Wójcik, P. Gutkiewicz,

              Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol.114 S, pp. A241-A 246,2008.


[29-43] "Fast prediction of pulsed nonlinear acoustic fields from clinically relevant sources using

             time-averaged wave envelope approach: Comparison of numerical simulations and

               experimental results", J. Wójcik, T. Kujawska, A. Nowicki, P.A. Lewin,

             Ultrasonics, Vol.48.,No.8, 2008,pp.707-715    


[30-42] "Pulsed nonlinear acoustic fields from clinically relevant sources; numerical calculations

            and experimental results ", J. Wójcik, T. Kujawska, A. Nowicki, Archives of Acoustics,

             33, (4), 2008,pp.565-572.


[31-41] "Comparison of methods used for ultrasonic examination of IMT in the wall of the carotid

             artery model", Z.Trawiński, J.Wójcik, Archives of Acoustics, 33,4, 2008, pp.27-32.


[32-40] "Numerical analyze and experimental results of ultrasonic waves scattering ona model

               of   the artery", J.Wójcik, T.Powałowski, Z.Trawiński, Molecular and Quantum

               Acoustics, Vol.28,2007,pp.279-302


[33-39] "Comparison of experimental results and numerical calculations of ultrasonic waves

               scattering on a model of the artery", J. Wójcik, Z. Trawiński, T. Powałowski,

               Hydroacoustics, vol.11, 2008,pp.449-458, ISSN 1642-1817


[34-38] "Numerical simulation and experimental results of ultrasonic waves scattering on a

               model of the artery", J. Wójcik, T. Powałowski, Z. Trawiński,

               European Physics Journal Special Topics, Vol.154. 2008 pp.235-238


[35-37] "Multitone nonlinear coding", A. Nowicki, J. Wójcik, W. Secomski, Hydroacoustics,

             vol.11, 2008, ISSN 1642-1817, pp.289-498,


[36-36] "Harmonic Imaging Using Multitone Nonlinear Coding", A. Nowicki, J. Wójcik,

             W. Secomski, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Vol.33, No.7 ,2007, pp.1112-1122


[37-35] "Modeling of examinations of artery wall thickness changes", T. Powałowski,

             J. Wójcik, Z. Trawiński, Archives of Acoustics, 32,No4,2007, pp.851-858


[38-34] "Numerical solver of acoustic field in simulation of artery wall thickness examinations",

             Powałowski, J. Wójcik, Z. Trawiński, Hydroacoustics, ISSN 1642-1817, vol.10, 2007,



[39-33] "Wave envelopes method for description of nonlinear acoustic wave propagation",

             J. Wójcik, A. Nowicki, P.A. Lewin, P.E. Bloomfield, T. Kujawska, L. Filipczyński,

             Ultrasonics, (Elsevier), Vol.44.,No.3(July), 2006,pp.310-339.


[40-32] "Scattering of ultrasonic wave on a model of the artery", J. Wójcik, T. Powałowski,

             R. Tymkiewicz, A.Lamers, Z. Trawiński, Archives of Acoustics, Vol.31, (4),2006,



[41-31] "Nonlinear ultrasound propagation in water from square focused transducer", T. Kujawska,

             J. Wójcik , A.Nowicki, , Hydroacoustics, ISSN 1642-1817, vol. 8,2005, pp. 89-98


[42-30] "Probing acoustic fields of clinically relevant transducers: The effect of hydrophone probes

             finite apertures and bandwidths" E. Radulescu, P.A. Lewin, J. Wojcik, A. Nowicki,

             IEEE UFFC, Vol.51, No.10, October 2004,pp.1262-1270


[43-29] ”Possible Temperature Effects Computed for Acoustic Microscopy Used For Living Cells”,

             Kujawska T., Wójcik J., Filipczyński L.,Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Vol.30,

             No.1,2004, pp.93-101.


[44-28] ”The influence of finite aperture and frequency response of ultrasonic hydrophone probes

               On the determination of acoustic output” Radulescu E.G., Lewin P.A., Wójcik J.,

               Nowicki A., Berger W.A ,Ultrasonics (Else), Vol.42.,No.1-9, April 2004, pp.367-372


[45-27] "Nonlinear reflection and transmission of plane acoustic waves", J.Wójcik, Archives of

             Acoustics, Vol.29,(4) ,2004,pp.607-632.


[46-26] "Fundation of the new methodof numerical calculations of the nonlinear acoustics fields",

              Wójcik J., Filipczyński L., Kujawska T., Nowicki A. Hydroacoustics,

             Vol.7, 2004, ISSN 1642-1817, pp.227-234


[47-25] "Harmonic ultrasound beams forming by means of radiating source parameters",

               T. Kujawska, J. Wójcik, Hydroacoustics, ISSN 1642-1817, vol.7, 2004, pp.135-142


[48-24] "Dependence of non-linear ultrasound beam propagation on boundary conditions",

             Kujawska T., Wójcik J., Ultragarsas,Vol.4(53),2004,pp.52-55,


[49-23] “Calibration of Ultrasonic Hydrophone Probes up to 100 MHz using Time Gating

             Frequency Analysis and Finite Amplitude Wave”, E.G Radulescu, P.A. Lewin,

             J. Wójcik, A. Nowicki, Ultrasonics (Else), Vol.41, (4), June 2003, pp.247-254.


[50-22] "Nonlinear Propagation Model for Ultrasound Hydrophones Calibration in Frequency

               Range up to 100 MHz”, E.G Radulescu, J. Wójcik, P.A. Lewin, and A. Nowicki,

               Ultrasonics (Else), Vol.41, Number 4,June 2003,pp.239-245.


[51-21] "Dispersion and Energy Losses", J. Wójcik, Solid States Phenomena,

               ISBN:3-908450-74-8,2003 (c 2003 Scitec Publications Switzerland). Vol. 89, pp-335,

               DOI. 10.4028/, ISSN: 1662-9779


[52-20] ”Nonlinear and linear pressure determination in a two layer structure: solid crystal–

               water at GHz frequencies” Filipczyński L., Wójcik J., Kujawska T., Hydroacoustics,

               ISSN 1642-1817, Vol. 5/6, 2003, pp.143-150, 2003,


[53-19] ”Nonlinear equations of acoustics – numerical solutions and their Visualization”,

               Wójcik J., Lewin P.A., Nowicki A., Filipczyński L., Kujawska T., Radulescu E.,

              Hydroacoustics, ISSN 1642-1817, Vol. 5/6,2003, pp.137-142


[54-18] ”Nonlinear effects and possible temperature increases in ultrasonic microscopy”,

             J. Wójcik. J. Litniewski, L. Filipczyński, T. Kujawska, Archives of Acoustic, Vol.27, (3),

             2002, pp.191-201


[55-17] “Numerical and experimental pressure determination in the very near filed of a

               piezoelectric transducer”, L. Filipczynski, J. Wójcik, T. Kujawska, Archives of Acoustic,

              Vol. 26, No.3,2001


[56-16] "Nonlinear Native Propagation Effect of Diagnostic Ultrasound Computed end Measured in

             Blood" L. Filipczynski, J. Wójcik, T. Kujawska, G. Łypacewicz, R. Tymkiewicz,

               B. Zienkiewicz, Ultrasound in Med. & Biol., Vol.27, No.2, pp.251-257, 2001


[57-15] "Nonlinear reflection and transmission of plane acoustic waves", J. Wójcik, IFTR Reports

             , ISSN0208-5658, 1/2000


[58-14] "Computing and measuring nonlinear and linear propagation by two independent methods",

               L. Filipczynski, T. Kujawska, W. Secomski, R. Tymkiewicz, J. Wójcik,

             Archives of Acoustics, 24,3, pp.269-288, 1999


[59-13] "Transport of Energy in the Ultrasound Wave Field" (in Polish), J. Wójcik, IFTR

               Reports, 2/1999


[60-12] "Nonlinear and linear propagation of diagnostic ultrasound pulses", L. Filipczynski,

             T. Kujawska, R. Tymkiewicz, J. Wojcik, Ultrasound in Med. & Biol.,Vol.25,No.2,

               pp. 285-299, 1999


[61-11] "Temperature elevations computed for three-layer and four-layer obstetrical tissue

               model in nonlinear and linear ultrasonic propagation cases", J. Wójcik, L. Filipczynski,

             and T. Kujawska, Ultrasound in Med.& Biol.,Vol.25, No.2, pp.259-267, 1999


[62-10] ”Conservation of energy and absorption in acoustic fields for linear and nonlinear

               propagation”, J. Wójcik, J.Acoust.Soc.Am. 104 (5), pp.2654-2663, November 1998


[63-9] "A multi layer method for linearity determination of the PVDF hydrophone for pressures

             up to 2.3 MPa ", L. Filipczynski, J. Etienne, T. Kujawska, R. Tymkiewicz, J. Wójcik,

               Archives of Acoustics, 23,4, pp.513-520, 1998    


[64-8] "Estimation of acoustical streaming: theoretical model, Doppler measurements and optical

             visualization", A. Nowicki, T. Kowalewski, W. Secomski, J. Wójcik, European Journal

             of Ultrasound (Else), 7,1998, pp.73-81


[65-7] "Acoustical distortions in capacitance hydrophones and the effect of diaphragms in

            measurements of shock wave pulses", L. Filipczynski, J. Etienne, T. Kujawska,

              J. Wójcik, B. Zienkiewicz, Archives of Acoustics, 23,2,1998, pp.251-266


[66-6] ”Acoustic streaming: Comparison of low amplitude linear model with streaming velocities

             measured by means of 32 MHz doppler”, A. Nowicki, W. Secomski, J. Wójcik,

             Ultrasound in Med.& Biol.,Vol.23, No.5, pp. 783-791, 1997


[67-5] ”Integral equations for disturbance propagation in linearized Vlasov plasmas. Numerical

             results”, A.J. Turski, J. Wójcik, Arch.Mech.,48,6,pp.1047-1067, Warszawa 1996


[68-4] ”Amplitude, isobar and gray -scale imaging of ultrasonic shadows behind rigid, elastic

             and gaseous spheres”, L. Filipczynski, T. Kujawska, R. Tymkiewicz, J. Wójcik,

           Ultrasound in Med.& Biol.,Vol.22, No.2, pp.261-270,1996  


[69-3] ”Grey scale imaging of ultrasonic shadow behind rigid, elastic and gaseous spheres in a

             tissue-like attenuating medium”, L. Filipczynski, T. Kujawska, J. Wójcik, Acoustical

             Imaging, Vol.22, Plenum Press, New York, 1996, pp.215-220    


[50-2] ”Temperature elevation in focused Gaussian ultrasonic beams at various insonation

             times”, L. Filipczynski, T. Kujawska, J. Wójcik, Ultrasound in Med.& Biol.,Vol.19,

             No.8, pp.667-679,1993. 32


[71-1] ”Estimation of transient temperature elevation in lithotripsy and in ultrasonography”,

           L. Filipczynski, J. Wójcik, Ultrasound in Med.& Biol.,Vol.17,No.7, pp.715-721, 1991


PUBLIKACJE KONFERENCJE [indeksowane w Web of Science]

[C01] "Two Frequencies Push-Pull Differential Imaging", A. Nowicki, M. Byra, J. Litniewski,

             J. Wójcik, 2014 IEEE IUS, Chicago, 978-1-4799-7049-0/14/$31.00, ©2014 IEEE,


           DOI. 10.1109/ULTSYM.2014.0175


[C02] "Cumulative method of image reconstruction in synthetic aperture- theory and

            experimental results", J. Wójcik, I. Trots, A. Nowicki, M. Lewandowski,

             IEEE IUS Symp, Praga 21-25 2013, 978-1-4673-5686-2/13/$31.00, pp. 2068-2071

             DOI: 10.1109/ULTSYM.2013.0528


[C03] "Contribution of multiple scattering to the trabecular bone backscatter - dependence on

           porosity and frequency", Litniewski J., Wojcik J., Nowicki A., 2012 IEEE IUS,

           October 7-10, 2012, Dresden Germany, pp.2596-2598

           DOI: 10.1109/ULTSYM.2012.0650


[C04] "Statistical properties of trabecular bone backscatter: experimental and simulations

           results", Litniewski J., Cieślik L., Wójcik J., Nowicki A., San Diego California, October

           11-14, 2010, IEEE IUS, 6 2011, pp. 2155-2158

             DOI. 10.1109/ULTSYM.2010.0544


[C05] "Ultrasonic Characterization of cancellous bone using three models of trabecular structure",

           Litniewski, A. Nowicki, J.Wojcik, 159th Meeting Acoustical Society of America / NOISE-

             CON 2010 Baltimore, Maryland 19-23 April 2010, Proceedings of Meetings on

             Acoustics, Vol. 9, 020002, 2010,

              DOI: 10.1121/1.3445778,,


[C06 ] "Heating of tissues in vivo by pulsed focused ultrasound to stimulate enhanced HSP

             expression",T. Kujawska, J. Wójcik and A. Nowicki, 10th International Symposium on

             Therapeutic Ultrasound (ISTU 2010) ,AIP Conf.Proc.1359, ©2011 American Institute

             of Physic 978-0-7354-0917-0/$30.00, 2011, pp.24-29

             DOI. 10.1063/1.3607877


[C07] "Thick Film Transducers for High Frequency Coded Ultrasonography",A.Nowicki,

          J. Wójcik, M.Lewandowski, R.Tymkiewicz, R.Lou-Moller,W.Wolny, T.Zawada,

        Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Technology and

            Applications in Biomedicine", ITAB 2009 (IEEE) , Larnaca, Cyprus, 4-7 November

          2009, pp. 1 - 4, CD-ROM ISBN: 978-1-4244-5379-5,

           DOI: 10.1109/ITAB.2009.5394411,            

[C08] "Nonlinear pulsed pressure field from focused rectangular apertures: experimental and

          numerical simulation results", T. Kujawska, J. Wójcik, A. Nowicki, Proceedings of the

          2005 IEEE-UFFC IUS, Rotterdam 2005,Vol.4, CD. pp: 1992 - 1995,

           DOI: 10.1109/ULTSYM.2005.1603267


[C09] "Multitone nonlinear coding", A. Nowicki, J. Wójcik, and W. Secomski, Proceedings of

           the 2005 IEEE IUS, Rotterdam 2005, Vol. 2, pp. 1420 - 1423, CD,

           DOI: 10.1109/ULTSYM.2005.1603121


[C10] “A Novel Method for Characterization of Nonlinear Propagation and Spatial Averaging

          Effects for Ultrasound Imaging Systems”, E. G. Radulescu; J. Wojcik; P. A. Lewin;

           A. Nowicki, 2003 IEEE 29th Annual Proceedings of Bioengineering Conference

             Symposium, Trenton USA, April 2003, 2003, pp. 67 - 68,

             DOI: 10.1109/NEBC.2003.1215995


[C11] “A Novel Method for Characterization of Nonlinear Propagation and Spatial Averaging

          Effects for Ultrasound Imaging Systems”, E. G. Radulescu; J. Wojcik; P. A. Lewin,

          A. Nowicki, 2002 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings,Munik 2002, Vol.2,

             pp. 1153 - 1156, 2002,

           DOI: 10.1109/ULTSYM.2002.1192498


[C12] "32 MHz Doppler assessment for streaming measurements", A. Nowicki, W. Secomski,

             J. Wojcik,1996 IEEE IUS Proceedings, Year: 1996, Vol. 2, pp: 995 - 998

             DOI: 10.1109/ULTSYM.1996.584158

[C13] “Temperature Fields in Soft Tissue during LPUS Treatment: Numerical Prediction and

            Experimental Results” Kujawska T., Wojcik J., Nowicki A, 9Th International

             Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound , Volume 1215, AIP Conference proceedings,

             ISBN: 978-0-7354-0762-6, 2010, pp.353-358

[C14] "A New Theoretical Basis for Numerical Simulations of Nonlinear Acoustic Fields",

             J. Wójcik, 15th International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics, Gottingen, Germany

          1-4 sept 1999, AIP Conf. proceed. of ISNA 15, New York, Vol. 524, pp.141-144.

[C15] "Computing and measuring nonlinear propagation effects by means of PVDF and

           electromagnetic hydrophones", L. Filipczyński, T.Kujawska, J. Wójcik, 15th International

           Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics, Gottingen, Germany 1999, AIP Conference

           proceedings of ISNA 15, New York,Vol.524,pp.121-124.


[C16] "Comparison of experimental results and numerical calculations of ultrasonic waves

          scattering on a model of the artery", J. Wójcik, T. Powałowski, Z. Trawiński, 19th

          International Congress on Acoustics ICA, Madrid, 2-7 September 2007, Special Issue

           of the journal Revisita de Acustica, vol. 38, 2007,pp.3-4 ISBN 84-87985-12-2

ROZDZIAŁY W MONOGRAFIACH [indeksowane w Web of Science]


[M01] "Influence of transmission-reception characteristics of ultrasound transducers on statistics of

           echoes from nonhomogeneous media", J. Wójcik, N. Żołek, M. Lewandowski, Postępy

           Akustyki, Polskie Tow.Akus. IPPT PAN, Rozdział angielski (in English),

             ISBN 978-83- 65550-02-6, pp. 627-633, 2016


[M02] "Numerical analysis of reflection and transmission phenomena of nonlinear ultrasound

             wave" Janusz Wojcik, Barbara Gambin, Dynamical Systems, Wydawnictwo Politechniki

             Łudzkiej, Łudz 2015, Rozdział angielski (in English), ISBN973-83-7283-706-6, 2015,



[M03]Multiple Scattering Contribution to Trabecular Bone Backscatter" J. Wójcik, J. Litniewski,

           and A. Nowicki, Acoustical Imaging, Vol.30, Springer Science &Business Media B.V.,

             ISBN 978-90-481-3254-6, 2011, pp.69-77, DOI. 10.1007/978-90-481-3255-3,


[M04]Determination of B/A of Biological Media by Measuring and Modeling Nonlinear

               Distortion of Pulsed AcousticWave in Two-Layer System of Media”, Kujawska T.,

               Wójcik J., Nowicki A., Acoustical Imaging, Vol 30, Springer Science & Business

               Media B.V., ISBN 978-90-481-3254-6, 2011, pp.295-303

             DOI. 10.1007/978-90-481-3255-3


[M05] "Nonlinear Equations of Acoustic - Numerical Solutions and their visualization", Wójcik J.,

           Nowicki A. Polish Academy of Sciences - Scientific activity, Book 15, May 2003,



[M06] "Gray Scale Imaging of Ultrasonic Shadow Behind Rigid, Elastic and Gaseous Spheres in a

           Tissue-Like Attenuating Medium", Filipczyński L., Kujawska T., Wójcik J., Acoustical

           Imaging, Vol.22, Ed. P.Tortoli, E. Masotti, Plenum Pres, New York, 1996, pp.215-220

Pozostałe Materiały Konferencyjne

 [44] "Evaluation of Left Ventricle Phantom by Ultrasound and Multislices Computer Tomography

       Imaging", Trawiński Z, Wójcik J, Nowicki A., Balcerzak A., FORUM ACOUSTICUM 2014

         European Acoustical Association joined with 61st Open Seminar on Acoustics and Polish

       Acoustical Society -Acoustical Society of Japan special session stream, 7-12 September,

       Kraków, ISSN 2221-3767 for CD., ISBN 987-83-61402-28-2 for Book of Abstract.


[43] "Cumulative Method of Image Reconstruction in Synthetic Aperture. Experimental Results"

         Wójcik J., Trots I., Lewandowski M., Nowicki A., 59-th OPEN SEMINAR ON ACOUSTIC,

         Boszkowo 2012, ISBN 978-83-934600-0-7, 277-280


[42] "Example of structure modeling and analysis of ultrasound scattering for trabecular bone",

         J.Wojcik, J. Litniewski, A. Nowicki, 10 Congress of French Acoustic, Lyon,12-16, April,

         2010, ISBN: 978-2-9521105-7-0, SFA-CD.


[41] "Heating of tissues by pulsed focused ultrasound to stimulate enhanced HSPs expression"

       Kujawska T., Wójcik J., Nowicki A, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on

       Biomedical Engineering, Kaunas University of Technology, Technologija, 2010, pp.4-9.


[40] "Annular array transducers and matched amplifier for therapeutic ultrasonography",

       W.Secomski, A. Nowicki, J. Wójcik, M. Walczak, R. Tymkiewicz, Materiały konferencyjne

       57 Otwartego Seminarium z Akustyki, Gliwice 20-24.09.2010,pp.169-171


[39] "Temperature Fields in Soft Tissue during LPUS reatment: Numerical Prediction and

         Experiment Results, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Therapeutic

      Ultrasound" T.Kujawska, J. Wójcik, A. Nowicki, Aix Provance, France, September 2009.,

         pp. 71-76,


[38] "Temperature Fields In Soft Tissue During Neurodegenerative DiseasesTreatment",

       T.Kujawska, J. Wójcik, A.Nowicki, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of

         Biomedical Engineering, Technologija, Kaunas University of Technology, 109-115, 2009.


[37] "Prediction of temperature increase in soft tissue during hyperthermia ",T. Kujawska,

         J. Wójcik, A. Nowicki, proceedings of the conference Biomedical Engineering Kaunas

         University of Technology 23,24 October 2008,pp. 175-178


[36] "Harmonic Imaging Using Two-Tone Coded signals", A. Nowicki, J. Wójcik, T. Kujawska

         Proc. Of International Conference Biomedical Engineering, Kaunas, 25,26 October 2007,



[35] "Modelowanie badań grubości ściany tętnicy", T. Powałowski, J. Wójcik, Z. Trawiński,

         Materiały z 54 Otwartego Seminarium z Akustyki OSA'2007, Rzeszów-Przemyśl, 10-14.

         09.2007, pp.96-97

[34] "Scattering of Ultrasonic Wave on a Model of the Artery", J. Wójcik, T. Powałowski,

         R. Tymkiewicz, A. Lamers, Z. Trawiński, Proceedings of the 53-th Open Seminar from the

         Acoustic, Kraków - Zakopane 11-15 September 2006, ISBN 83-916590-9-7, pp129-136


[33] "New approach to 3D and 4D numerical solutions of the equations of nonlinear

         acoustics",   J. Wójcik, T. Kujawska, A. Nowicki, Conference proceedings - Computer

         added Metrology , tom III, pp. 11 – 18, Waplewo, Poland 2005.


[32] "Nonlinear pulsed ultrasound fields from focused rectangular transducers: measurements

        and fast 4D simulations", T. Kujawska, J. Wójcik, A. Nowicki, Proceedings of the 9th

        International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Technologija, Kaunas 2005,



[31] "Nonlinear propagation of the ultrasonic beam versus parameters of absorbing medium",

         Kujawska T., Wójcik J., Proceedings of the 51th Open Seminar from the Acoustic, OSA’2004,

         Gdańsk-Sobieszewo,Poland, 2004, pp.299 - 302


[30] "Nonlinear properties of tissues", Kujawska T., Wójcik J., Proceedings of the Workshop

         on Ultrasound in Bio-measurements, Diagnostics and Therapy, Centre of Excellence for

       Applied Biomedical Modelling and Diagnostics, Abiomed, Gdańsk-Sobieszewo

       September 2004, pp. 173-182


[29] ”A new method for determination of the acoustic nonlinearity parameter B/A in multi layer

         biological media, Kujawska T., Wójcik J., Filipczyński L., Etienne J., Proceedings of the 5th

         World Congress on Ultrasonics WCU 2003, 7-10 September, Paris, 2003, pp.81-84. (also CD)


[28] ”High frequency range pulses propagation in the solid- liquid structure”, Kujawska T.,

         Filipczyński L., Wójcik J., Conference proceedings of the 50th Open Seminar from the

         Acoustic, Acoustic OSA’2003, Szczyrk-Gliwice, 2003, pp.249-252


[27] ”A new numerical method for determination of the acoustic nonlinearity parameter B/A in

       two-layer structures”, Kujawska T., Wójcik J., Filipczyński L., Etienne J., Proceedings of 6th

       International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Kaunas University of Technology,

       pp. 219-222 , October 2003


[26] ”Advances in characterization of ultrasound imaging systems” J. Wójcik, E. Radulescu,

         Wójcik, E. Radulescu , P.A. Lewin, A. Nowicki, Ultrasonografia Nr 8,p.27, 2002


[25] ”Nonlinear and linear acoustic properties of a tissue mimicking material tofu”, T. Kujawska,

        L. Filipczyński, J. Wójcik, J. Szelążek, R. Tymkiewicz, Proceedings of International

         Conference of Biomedical Engineering, Kaunas University of Technology, October 2002,



[24] "Nonlinear and linear acoustic properties of a tissue mimicking material tofu", T.Kujawska,

         L. Filipczyński, J. Wójcik, J. Szelążek, R. Tymkiewicz, Conference proceedings of the 49th

         Open Seminar from the Acoustic, OSA, Stare Jabłonki, Poland, pp. 415-420, 2002


[23] ”Possible temperature effects in ultrasonic microscopy used for biomedical purposes”,

       L. Filipczyński, J. Wójcik, T. Kujawska, Ultrasonografia No 8, p.115, 2002


[22] "Nonlinear Effects Computed in Gaussian Beams Propagating in Liquids", J. Wójcik ,

       T. Kujawska, L. Filipczynski, 3rd ICA/EAA International Symposium on Hydroacoustics

       Jurata (Poland) 28-31 May 2001, Hydroacoustics, Annual Journal, Vol.4, ISSN 1642-

       1817, Publisher-Polisch Acoustical Society- Gdańsk Division, pp.257-261,


[21] "Nonlinear effects in ultrasonography determined experimentally and numerically"

       L. Filipczynski, T. Kujawska, R. Tymkiewicz, J. Wójcik, B. Zienkiewicz, Open Seminar

       from the Acoustic, Rzeszów-Jawor 2000, Conference proceedings of OSA'2000, ISBN 83-

       914391-0-0 t.1,2, Vol. I, pp.251-257


[20] "Wideband calibration of PVDF hydrophones by an electromagnetic hydrophone using

         theoretical spectra of overtones", L. Filipczynski, T. Kujawska, and J. Wójcik, proc.

         of 137th Regular Meeting of the Acoust.Soc.Am. and 2nd Convention of the Europ.

         Acoust.Assoc. :Forum Acusticum 99 integrating the 25th German Acoustics

         DAGA Conference (J.Acoust.Soc.Am.105,No. 2,Pt.2, pp.1228, February 1999)


[19] "Acoustic streaming generated by ultrasonic transducers, measurements by means of 32

        MHz Doppler", A. Nowicki, W. Secomski, J. Wójcik, proc. of EAA, International

        Symposium on Hydroacoustics and Ultrasonic, Gdańsk-Jurata May,1997, pp.337-342


[18] "Possible temperature increases in soft tissues in the case of nonlinear and linear wave

        propagation", L. Filipczynski, T. Kujawska, R. Tymkiewicz, J. Wójcik, Proceedings of the

        EAA International Symposium on Hydroacoustics and Ultrasonic, Gdańsk-Jurata May 1997,



[17] "Energy Transport in The Nonlinear Ultrasound Wave. The Effective Coefficients of

         absorption", J. Wójcik, Proceedings of the XLII Open Seminar from the Acoustic,

        Warszawa-Białowieża, pp.115-120,1995


[16] ”Ultrasonic field behind various spherical bodies in the case of pulses of short duration time”,

         L. Filipczynski, T. Kujawska, J. Wójcik, Proceedings of the World Congress on Ultrasonics,

         Humbolt-Universitat Berlin,Sept.1995, Part 1, pp.93-96


[15] "Temperature increase in two layer obstetric model of tissues for cases of linear and nonlinear

         continuous wave propagation", L. Filipczynski, J. Wójcik, Procedings of the XIIth

         Symposium on Hydroacoustics, Gdynia-Jurata Maj 1995,pp.109-116,


[14] "Temperature increase in ultrasonic beams at various insonation times", L. Filipczynski,

         T. Kujawska, J. Wójcik, Lecture Notes of the ICB seminars biomeasurements,

         (International Center of Biocybernetics PAN)Warsaw, September 1994, pp.50-54


[13] "Temperatur effects caused by intensive ultrasonic waves used in medical diagnostic

         technology", L.Filipczynski, T. Kujawska, J. Wójcik, Proceedings of 4th European Conference

       on Engineering And Medician. Bridging east and west. Warsaw, Poland, May 25-28, 1997,



[12] "Modeling and analysis of multi-scattering of acoustic waves on complex media: Application

       to the trabecular bone", Wojcik J, Litniewski J, Nowicki A., 1st International Conference on

       ultrasonic-based applications: from analysis to synthesis, LISBOA15th-17th September 2014


[11] "Ultrasonograficzny model lewej komory serca" Z. Trawiński, R. Olszewski, A. Nowicki,

         J.Wójcik, A. Balcerzak, 58 Otwarte Seminarium z Akustyki OSA 13-16 IX- 2011,



[10] "Ultrasound Imaging Using Multitone Nonlinear Coding", A.Nowicki, J. Wójcik, Proceedings

       of the The Sixteenth International Congress on Sound end Vibration, ICSV 6 Kraków 5-9

       July, 2009


[9] "Pulsed nonlinear acoustic fields from clinically relevant sources: numerical calculations and

       experiments results", J. Wójcik, T. Kujawska, A. Nowicki, LV Otwarte Seminarium

       z Akustyki, Wrocław Piechowice 08-12-09-2008


[8] "Comparisin of the Methods Used for Ultrasonic examination of IMT in the wall of thecarotid

       artery model", Z.Trawiński, J.Wójcik, LV Otwarte Seminarium Z Akustyki, Wrocław

       Piechowice 08-12-09-2008


[7] ”Effective algorithm for 3DAnd 4D solutions in nonlinear acoustics ”, Wójcik J., Lewin P.A,

       Nowicki A., Radulescu E. Conference- Ultrasonics International 2003, Granada 30 June 3 July.

       Ultrasonics, a publication of Elsevier, Abstract Book,


[6] ”Time gating frequency analysis in ultrasound metrology”, Conference E. Radulescu, P.A.

       Lewin, A. Nowicki, J. Wójcik, W.A. Berger, Ultrasonics International 2003, Granada 30 June

       3 July. Ultrasonics, a publication of Elsevier, Abstract Book.


[5] ”Beyond 40 MHz: Extended continuous frequency response measurement of ultrasonic

       hydrophone probes using a time domain approach ” E.G. Radulescu, P.A. Lewin, A. Nowicki

      and J. Wojcik, 2003 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium from Oct. 5-8 2003 in Hawaii.


[4] "Numerical and experimental determination of high-nonlinearities in ultrasonic microscopy",

       J. Wójcik, J. Litniewski, L. Filipczyński, 17th International Congress on Acoustics, Rome,

       September 2-7,2001


[3] "Temperature Distributions Generated by Focused Ultrasonic Beams in Linear and Nonlinear

       Propagation", J. Wójcik, L. Filipczynski, T. Kujawska, Proceedings of XV Symposium on

       Hydroacoustics, Jurata, 26-29 maj 1998, pp.163-168


[2] "Nonlinear effects of Ultrasonic Focused Beams of High Intensity Measured by means of

       PVDF and Electromagnetic Hydrophones", L. Filipczynski, J. Etienne, T. Kujawska,

       G. Łypacewicz, W.Secomski, R.Tymkiewicz, J. Wójcik, Proceedings of the 47th ICB Seminar

       Ultrasound in Biomeasurements, Diagnostics and Therapy, Warsaw, 1-5 September 1998.


[1] "Temperatureffekte in ultraschalldiagnostischen Bundeln", L. Filipczynski, T. Kujawska,

       J. Wójcik, Proceedings of the 20.Deutsche Jahrestagung fur Akustic. DAGA 94.

       Technische Hochschule Dresden, 76,1994.


Janusz Wójcik

Department of Ultrasound, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research (IFTR),
Polish Academy of Sciences, 02-106 Pawińskiego 5B, Warsaw, Poland
e-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


2000: Habilitation. IFTR , "Energy Transport in Field of Ultrasound Waves",
IFTR REPORTS, 2/1999, (in Polish).
1990: Ph.D , IFTR, "Nonlinear Envelope Waves in The Vlasov-Maxwell Plasma".
1983: Master of Sciences (in Physics)  Technical University of Warsaw. "Holographic-
Correlation Coordinator to Control The Space Ship Movements".
1977: High Technical School (Specialization in electronics).


2005: Head of the Ultrasound Introscopy Laboratory in IFTR.
2004: Associate Professor in IFTR  (tenure position).
1991: Assistant Professor in IFTR (tenure position).
1984 –1991: Research Assistant in IFTR

2002:Visiting researcher in Drexel University


2000-Award for scientific achievements from the Director of IFTR
1999-Award for scientific achievements from the Director of IFTR
1998-Award for scientific achievements from the Director of IFTR

Participation in10 following grants of the Polish Government Committee of Scientific Research  

1992-1993: Quantitative investigations of the acoustic shadow behind regular masses with
solid, liquid and gaseous structure in ultrasound domain.(principal investigator)      
1996-1997: Temperature effects in strong acoustical fields used in new ultrasound
technologies. (principal investigator)  
1998- 1999: Theoretical and experimental investigations of nonlinear propagation of the
focussing ultrasound pulses used in new ultrasound technologies in with
inhomogeneous structures and with gaseous inclusions. (principal investigator)
2001-2002: Method of determination of mechanical properties of liquids and multi-layered
biological structures on the base of overtones native generation in ultrasonic
diagnostic beams in relation to nonlinear numerical models and experiments.
(principal investigator)
2001-2003: Development of piezoelectric transducers to achieve a frequency wideband and
a long focal zone. (principal investigator)
2003-2004: Numerical modeling and experimental investigation of nonlinear acoustical
fields from multi-elements transducers using in ultrasonography.
(head of the project)           
2005-2007: Optimalization of ultrasonic beam for examination of arterial wall elasticity
(principal investigator)
Participation in 1 following European project
In European Center - MINUET - Miniaturized Ultrasonic Devices
for Environmental Monitoring, Telecom, medical, Industrial and Multimedia
Application- theme: Miniaturized Ultrasonic Engineered- Structure and LTCC-
Based Devices for Acoustics, Fluids, Optics and Robotic. (investigator)
2007-2010: Harmonic Imaging using multitone nonlinear coding. (kierownik projektu)
2008-2011: Optimalization  of tissue heating conditions by means of focused ultrasound
waves (principal investigator)


Physics. Nonlinear waves in attenuating media: propagation including absorption and
thermal effects, scattering of the ultrasonic fields. Numerical computations of the linear and
nonlinear acoustics waves propagation. Linear and nonlinear dynamic of the Wlasov-
Maxwell plasma.  


ARTICLES      [Philadelphian index]

  1. "Multiple Scattering Contribution to trabecular Bone backscatter",J. Wójcik, J.Litniewski, A. Nowicki, Acoustical Imaging, Springer, Vol.29
  2. "Nonlinearly Coded Signals for Harmonic Imaging ", A. Nowicki, J. Wójcik, T. Kujawska,  Archives of Acoustics, 34, No.1,2009, pp.63-74.1
  3. "Multiple scattering contribution to trabecular bone backscatter", J. Wójcik, J. Litniewski, A. Nowicki, Hydroacoustics, 12, 2009,pp.227-236
  4. "Numerical modeling of ultrasound-Induced Temperature Fields in Multi Layer Nonlinear Attenuating Media ", T.Kujawska, J. Wójcik, A. Nowicki, Hydroacoustics, 12, 2009,pp.91-98
  5. "Ultrasonic non-invasive method for relative changes measurements of IMT in common carotid artery wall"Z. Trawiński", T. Powałowski, J. Wójcik, P. Gutkiewicz, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol.114 S, pp. A241-A 246,2008.2
  6. "Fast prediction of pulsed nonlinear acoustic fields from clinically relevant sources using time-averaged wave envelope approach: Comparison of numerical simulations and experimental results", J. Wójcik, T. Kujawska, A. Nowicki, P.A. Lewin, Ultrasonics, Vol.48.,No., 2008,pp.707-7153
  7. "Pulsed nonlinear acoustic fields from clinically relevant sources; numerical calculations and experimental results ", J. Wójcik, T. Kujawska, A. Nowicki, Archives of Acoustics,33,4 2008,pp.565-572.4
  8. "Comparison of methods used for ultrasonic examination of IMT in the wall of the carotid artery model", Z.Trawiński, J.Wójcik, Archives of Acoustics, 33,4 2008,pp.27-32.5
  9. "Numerical analyze and experimental results of ultrasonic waves scattering ona model of the artery", J.Wójcik, T.Powałowski, Z.Trawiński,  Molecular and Quantum Acoustics, Vol.28,2007,pp.279-302
  10. "Comparison of experimental results and numerical calculations of ultrasonic waves scattering on a model of the artery", J. Wójcik, Z. Trawiński, T. Powałowski, Hydroacoustics, 11, 2008,pp.449-458
  11. "Numerical simulation and experimental results of ultrasonic waves scattering on a model of the artery", J. Wójcik, T. Powałowski, Z. Trawiński European Physics Jurnal Special Topics, Vol .154. 2008 pp.235-2386
  12. "Multitone nonlinear coding", A. Nowicki, J. Wójcik, W.  Secomski, Hydroacoustics, 11,2008,pp.289-498
  13. "Harmonic Imaging Using Multitone Nonlinear Coding", A. Nowicki, J. Wójcik, W. Secomski, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Vol.33, No.7 ,2007, pp.1112-11227
  14. "Modeling of examinations  of artery wall thickness changes", T. Powałowski, J. Wójcik, Z. Trawiński, Archives of Acoustics, 32,2007, pp.851-8588
  15. "Numerical solver of  acoustic field in simulation of artery wall thickness examinations", T. Powałowski, J. Wójcik, Z. Trawiński, ,Hydroacoustics, 10, 2007,123-168
  16. "Wave envelopes method for description of nonlinear acoustic wave propagation", J. Wójcik, A. Nowicki, P.A. Lewin, P.E. Bloomfield, T. Kujawska, L. Filipczyński, Ultrasonics, (Elsevier), Vol.44.,No.3(July), 2006,pp.310-339. 9
  17. "Scattering of ultrasonic wave on a model of the artery", J. Wójcik, T. Powałowski, R. Tymkiewicz, A.Lamers, Z. Trawiński, Archives of Acoustics, Vol.31,No.4,2006, pp.471-47910
  18. "Nonlinear ultrasound propagation in  water from square focused transducer"T. Kujawska, J. Wójcik , A.Nowicki, , Hydroacoustics, vol. 8, pp. 89-98, 2005.
  19. "Probing acoustic fields of clinically relevant transducers: The effect of hydrophone probes finite apertures and bandwidths" E. Radulescu, P.A. Lewin,  J. Wojcik, A. Nowicki, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control ,Vol.51, No.10,October 2004,pp.1262-1270. 11
  20. ”Possible Temperature Effects Computed for Acoustic Microscopy Used For Living Cells”, Kujawska T., Wójcik J., Filipczyński L., Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Vol.30, No.1,2004, pp.93-101. 12
  21. ”The influence of finite aperture and frequency response of ultrasonic hydrophone probes On the determination of acoustic output” Radulescu E.G., Lewin P.A., Wójcik J., Nowicki A., Berger W.A ,Ultrasonics (Elsevier), Vol.42.,No.1-9.,April 2004,pp.367-37213
  22. "Nonlinear reflection and transmission of plane acoustic waves", J.Wójcik, Archives of Acoustics, Vol.29,No.4,2004,pp.607-632.14
  23. "Fundation of the new methodof numerical calculations of the nonlinear acoustics fields" Hydroacoustics, Wójcik J., Filipczyński L., Kujawska T., Nowicki A.,Vol.7,  pp.227-234, 2004, ISSN 1642-1817
  24. "Harmonic ultrasound beams forming by means of radiating source parameters", Kujawska T., Wójcik J., Hydroacoustics, vol.7, pp.135-142, 2004, ISSN 1642-1817
  25. "Dependence of non-linear ultrasound beam propagation on boundary conditions", Kujawska T., Wójcik J., Ultragarsas,Vol.53,4,2004,pp.52-55
  26. "Nonlinear Equations of Acoustic - Numerical Solutions and their visualization" Wójcik J., Nowicki A. Polish Academy of Sciences - Scientific activity, Book 15, May 2003, pp.106-108
  27. “Calibration of Ultrasonic Hydrophone Probes up to 100 MHz using Time Gating Frequency Analysis and Finite Amplitude Wave”, E.G Radulescu, P.A. Lewin, J. Wójcik, and A. Nowicki, Ultrasonics (Elsevier), Vol.41, Number 4, June 2003, pp.247-254. 15
  28. “Nonlinear Propagation Model for Ultrasound Hydrophones Calibration in Frequency Range up to 100 MHz”, E.G Radulescu, J. Wójcik, P.A. Lewin, and A. Nowicki,  Ultrasonics (Elsevier), Vol.41, Number 4,June 2003,pp.239-245. 16
  29. "Dispersion and Energy Losses", J. Wójcik, Solid States Phenomena, Vol. 89,pp-335, ISBN:3-908450-74-8,2003 (c 2003 Scitec Publications Switzerland). 17
  30. ”Nonlinear and linear pressure determination in a two layer structure: solid crystal–water at GHz frequencies” Filipczyński L., Wójcik J., Kujawska T., Hydroacoustics, vol. 5/6, pp.143-150, 2003, ISSN 1642-1817
  31. ”Nonlinear equations of acoustics – numerical solutions and their Visualization”, Wójcik J., Lewin P.A., Nowicki A., Filipczyński L., Kujawska T., Radulescu E., Hydroacoustics, vol. 5/6, pp.137-142, 2003, ISSN 1642-1817
  32. ”Nonlinear effects and possible temperature increases in ultrasonic microscopy”, Wójcik J. Litniewski J., Filipczyński L., Kujawska T., Archives of Acoustic, Vol.27, No.3, pp.191-201,200218
  33. “Numerical and experimental pressure determination in the very near filed of a piezoelectric transducer”, L. Filipczynski, J. Wójcik, T. Kujawska, Archives of Acoustic, Vol.26,No.3,200119
  34. "Nonlinear Native Propagation Effect of Diagnostic Ultrasound Computed end Measured in Blood" L. Filipczynski, J. Wójcik, T. Kujawska, G. Łypacewicz, R. Tymkiewicz, B. Zienkiewicz, Ultrasound in Med. & Biol., Vol.27, No.2, pp.251-257, 2001 . 20
  35. "Nonlinear reflection and transmission of plane acoustic waves", J. Wójcik, IFTR Reports, 1/2000
  36. "Computing and measuring nonlinear and linear propagation by two independent methods" L. Filipczynski, T. Kujawska, W. Secomski, R. Tymkiewicz, J. Wójcik, Archives of Acoustics, 24,3, pp.269-288, (1999)21
  37. "Transport of Energy in the Ultrasound Wave Field" (in Polish), J. Wójcik, IFTR Reports, 2/1999
  38. "Nonlinear and linear propagation of diagnostic ultrasound pulses", L. Filipczynski, T. Kujawska, R. Tymkiewicz, J. Wojcik, Ultrasound in Med. & Biol.,Vol.25,No.2, pp. 285-299, 1999.22
  39. "Temperature elevations computed for three-layer and four-layer obstetrical tissue model in nonlinear and linear ultrasonic propagation cases", J. Wójcik, L. Filipczynski, and T. Kujawska, Ultrasound in Med.& Biol.,Vol.25, No.2, pp.259-267, 1999. 23
  40. ”Conservation of energy and absorption in acoustic fields for linear and nonlinear propagation”, J. Wójcik, J.Acoust.Soc.Am. 104 (5), pp.2654-2663, November 1998.24
  41. "A multi layer method for linearity determination of the PVDF hydrophone for pressures up to 2.3 MPa ", L. Filipczynski, J. Etienne, T. Kujawska, R. Tymkiewicz, J. Wójcik, Archives of Acoustics, 23,4, pp.513-520, (1998) 25
  42. "Estimation of acoustical streaming: theoretical model, Doppler measurements and optical visualization", A. Nowicki, T. Kowalewski, W. Secomski, J. Wójcik, European Journal of Ultrasound, 7,pp.73-81, 1998. 26
  43. "Acoustical distortions in capacitance hydrophones and the effect of diaphragms in measurements of shock wave pulses", L. Filipczynski, J. Etienne, T. Kujawska, J. Wójcik, B. Zienkiewicz, Archives of Acoustics, 23,2, pp.251-266, (1998)27
  44. ”Acoustic streaming: Comparison of low amplitude linear model with streaming velocities measured by means of 32 MHz doppler”, A. Nowicki, W. Secomski, J. Wójcik, Ultrasound in Med.&  Biol.,Vol.23, No.5, pp. 783-791, 1997.28
  45. ”Integral equations for disturbance propagation in linearized Vlasov plasmas. Numerical results”, A.J. Turski, J. Wójcik, Arch.Mech.,48,6,pp.1047-1067, Warszawa 1996.29
  46. ”Amplitude, isobar and gray -scale imaging of ultrasonic shadows behind rigid, elastic and gaseous spheres”, L. Filipczynski, T. Kujawska, R. Tymkiewicz, J. Wójcik, Ultrasound in Med.& Biol.,Vol.22, No.2,  pp.261-270,1996. 30
  47. ”Grey scale imaging of ultrasonic shadow behind rigid, elastic and gaseous spheres in a tissue-like attenuating medium”, L. Filipczynski, T. Kujawska, J.  Wójcik, Acoustical Imaging, Vol.22,pp.215-220,1995. 31
  48. ”Temperature elevation in focused Gaussian ultrasonic beams at various insonation times”, L. Filipczynski, T. Kujawska, J. Wójcik, Ultrasound in Med.& Biol.,Vol.19, No.8, pp.667-679,1993. 32
  49. ”Estimation of transient temperature elevation in lithotripsy and in ultrasonography”, L. Filipczynski, J . Wójcik, Ultrasound in Med.& Biol.,Vol.17,No.7, pp.715-721,1991. 33


  1. "Example of structure modeling and analysis of ultrasound scattering for trabecular bone", J.Wojcik, J. Litniewski, A. Nowicki, 10 Congress of French Acoustic, Lyon,12-16 April 2010
  2. "Ultrasonic Characterization of Trabecular Bone:Two Scatterers’ Population Model", Litniewski, A. Nowicki, J.Wojcik, ", Physic Procedia, Elsevier, 2009
  3. "Ultrasound Imaging Using Multitone Nonlinear Coding", A.Nowicki, J. Wójcik, Proceedings of the The Sixteenth International Congress on Sound end Vibration, ICSV 16 Kraków 5-9 July, 2009
  4. "Thick Film Transducers for High Frequency Coded Ultrasonography",A.Nowicki, J. Wójcik, M.Lewandowski, R.Tymkiewicz, R.Lou-Moller,W.Wolny, T.Zawada, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine", ITAB 2009 , Larnaca, Cyprus, 5-7 November 2009.
  5. "Multiple Scattering Contribution to trabecular Bone backscatter", J. Wójcik, J.Litniewski,  A.Nowicki, Acoustical Imaging, Vol.30, Springer 2009
  6. "Temperature Fields in Soft Tissue during LPUS reatment: Numerical Prediction and Experiment Results, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound T.Kujawska, J. Wójcik, A. Nowicki, pp. 71-76, Aix Provance, France, September 2009.
  7. "Temperature Fields In Soft Tissue During Neurodegenerative DiseasesTreatment", T.Kujawska, J. Wójcik, A.Nowicki, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Biomedical Engineering, Technologija, Kaunas University of Technology, 109-115, 2009.
  8. "Determination of B/A of Biological Media by Measuring and Modeling Nonlinear Distortion of Pulsed Acoustic Wave in Two-layer System of media", T. Kujawska, J. Wójcik, A. Nowicki, Acoustical Imaging, vol. 30,Springer,  2009 (w druku).
  9. "Comparison of experimental results and numerical calculations of ultrasonic waves scattering on a model of the artery",| J.Wójcik, Z.Trawiński, T.PowałowskiSHA EAA, Jastrzębia Góra 2008, HYDROACOUSTICS, Vol.11,Gdańsk 2008,pp.449-45
  10. "Pulsed nonlinear acoustic fields from  clinically relevant sources: numerical calculations and experiments results", J. Wójcik, T. Kujawska, A. NowickiLV Otwarte Seminarium Z Akustyki, Wrocław Piechowice 08-12-09-2008
  11. "Comparisin of the Methods Used for Ultrasonic examination of IMT in the wall of the carotid artery model", Z.Trawiński, J.Wójcik, LV Otwarte Seminarium Z Akustyki, Wrocław Piechowice 08-12-09-2008
  12. "Prediction of temperature increase in soft tissue during hyperthermia ",T. Kujawska, J. Wójcik, A. Nowicki, proceedings of the conference Biomedical Engineering Kaunas University of Technology 23,24 October 2008,pp175-178
  13. "Comparison of experimental results and numerical calculations of ultrasonic waves scattering on a model of the artery"  J. Wójcik, T. Powałowski, Z. Trawiński, 19th International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid, 2-7 September 2007
  14. "Harmonic Imaging Using Two-Tone Coded signals", A. Nowicki, J. Wójcik,T. Kujawska, Proc. Of International Conference Biomedical Engineering, Kaunas, 25,26 October 2007,pp.216-223
  15. "Modelowanie badań grubości ściany tętnicy", T. Powałowski, J. Wójcik, Z. Trawiński, Materiały z 54 Otwartego Seminarium z Akustyki OSA'2007, Rzeszów-Przemyśl, 10-14.09.2007, pp.96-97
  16. "Scattering of Ultrasonic Wave on a Model of the Artery", J. Wójcik, T. Powałowski, R. Tymkiewicz, A. Lamers, Z. Trawiński, Proceedings of the 53-th Open Seminar from the Acoustic, Kraków - Zakopane 11-15 September 2006, ISBN 83-916590-9-7, pp129-136
  17. "Nonlinear pulsed pressure field from focused rectangular apertures: experimental and numerical simulation results", T. Kujawska, J. Wójcik, A. Nowicki, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE-UFFC International Ultrasonics Symposium, Rotterdam 2005, CD.
  18. "New approach to 3D and 4D numerical solutions of the equations of nonlinear acoustics", J. Wójcik, T. Kujawska, A. Nowicki, Conference proceedings - Computer added Metrology , tom III, pp. 11 – 18, Waplewo, Poland 2005.
  19. "Multitone nonlinear coding", A. Nowicki, J. Wójcik, and W. Secomski, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE UFFC International Ultrasonics Symposium, Rotterdam 2005, CD
  20. "Nonlinear pulsed ultrasound fields from focused rectangular transducers: measurements and fast 4D simulations", T. Kujawska, J. Wójcik, A. Nowicki, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Technologija, Kaunas 2005, pp.194-201.
  21. "Nonlinear propagation of the ultrasonic beam versus parameters of absorbing medium", Kujawska T., Wójcik J., Proceedings of the 51th Open Seminar from the Acoustic, OSA’2004, Gdańsk-Sobieszewo,Poland, 2004, pp.299 - 302
  22. "Nonlinear properties of tissues", Kujawska T., Wójcik J., Proceedings of the Workshop on Ultrasound in Bio-measurements, Diagnostics and Therapy, Centre of Excellence for Applied Biomedical Modelling and Diagnostics, Abiomed, Gdańsk-Sobieszewo September 2004, pp. 173-182
  23. ”Effective algorithm for 3DAnd 4D solutions in nonlinear acoustics ”, Wójcik J., Lewin P.A, Nowicki A., Radulescu E. Conference- Ultrasonics International 2003, Granada 30 June 3 July. Ultrasonics, a publication of Elsevier, Abstract Book,
  24. ”Time gating  frequency analysis in ultrasound metrology”, Conference Radulescu E., Lewin P.A., Nowicki A. Wójcik J., Berger W.A - Ultrasonics International 2003, Granada 30 June 3 July. Ultrasonics, a publication of Elsevier, Abstract Book,
  25. ”Beyond 40 MHz: Extended continuous frequency response measurement of ultrasonic hydrophone probes using a time domain approach” E.G. Radulescu, P.A. Lewin, A. Nowicki and J. Wojcik, 2003 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium from Oct.5-8 2003 in Hawaii.
  26. “A Novel Method for Characterization of Nonlinear Propagation and Spatial Averaging Effects for Ultrasound Imaging Systems”, E.G Radulescu, J. Wójcik, P.A. Lewin, and A. Nowicki in Procee.2002 IEEE Ultrasonic Symposium, Munik 2002, pp.1124-1127.[30]-   in Proceedings of IEEE 29th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference Symposium, Trenton USA, April 2003
  27. ”A new method for determination of the acoustic nonlinearity parameter B/A in multi layer biological media, Kujawska T., Wójcik J., Filipczyński L., Etienne J., Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Ultrasonics WCU 2003, 7-10 September, Paris, 2003, pp.81-84.(also on the CD)
  28. ”High frequency range pulses propagation in the solid- liquid structure”, Kujawska T., Filipczyński L., Wójcik J., Conference proceedings of the 50th Open Seminar from the Acoustic, Acoustic OSA’2003, Szczyrk-Gliwice, 2003, pp.249-252
  29. "A new numerical method for determination of the acoustic nonlinearity parameter B/A in two-layer structures”, Kujawska T., Wójcik J., Filipczyński L., Etienne J., Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Kaunas University  of Technology, pp. 219-222 , October 2003
  30. ”Advances in characterization of ultrasound imaging systems” J. Wójcik, E. Radulescu, P.A. Lewin, A. Nowicki, IEEE proc., p.340, Munik 2002 ... J. Wójcik, E. Radulescu , P.A. Lewin, A. Nowicki, Ultrasonografia Nr 8,p.27, 2002
  31. ”Nonlinear and linear acoustic properties of a tissue mimicking material tofu”, T. Kujawska  L. Filipczyński, J. Wójcik, J. Szelążek, R. Tymkiewicz, Proceedings of International Conference of Biomedical Engineering, Kaunas University of Technology, pp.110-114, October 2002
  32. "Nonlinear and linear acoustic properties of a tissue mimicking material tofu", T.Kujawska, L. Filipczyński, J. Wójcik, J. Szelążek, R. Tymkiewicz, Conference proceedings of the 49th Open Seminar from the Acoustic, OSA, Stare Jabłonki, Poland pp. 415-420, 2002
  33. ”Possible temperature effects in ultrasonic microscopy used for biomedical purposes”, L. Filipczyński, J. Wójcik, T. Kujawska, Ultrasonografia No 8, p.115, 2002
  34. "Numerical and experimental determination of high-nonlinearities in ultrasonic microscopy", J. Wójcik, J. Litniewski, L. Filipczyński, 17th  International Congress on Acoustics, Rome, September 2-7,2001
  35. "Nonlinear Effects Computed in Gaussian Beams Propagating in Liquids", J. Wójcik , T. Kujawska, L. Filipczynski, 3rd ICA/EAA International Symposium on Hydroacoustics Jurata (Poland) 28-31 May 2001, Hydroacoustics, Annual Journal, Vol.4, ISSN 1642-1817, pp.257-261, Publisher-Polisch Acoustical Society- Gdańsk Division
  36. "Nonlinear effects in ultrasonography determined experimentally and numerically"  L. Filipczynski, T. Kujawska, R. Tymkiewicz, J. Wójcik, B. Zienkiewicz, Open Seminar from the Acoustic, Rzeszów-Jawor 2000, Conference proceedings of OSA'2000, ISBN 83-914391-0-0 t.1,2, Vol. I, pp.251-257
  37. "A New Theoretical Basis for Numerical Simulations of Nonlinear Acoustic Fields", J. Wójcik, 15th International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics, Gottingen, Germany 1999, AIP Conference proceedings of ISNA 15, New York, Vol. 524, pp.141-144.
  38. "Computing and measuring nonlinear propagation effects by means of PVDF and electromagnetic hydrophones", L. Filipczyński, T.Kujawska, J. Wójcik, 15th International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics, Gottingen, Germany 1999, AIP Conference proceedings of ISNA 15, New York,Vol.524,pp.121-124.
  39. "Wideband calibration of PVDF hydrophones by an electromagnetic hydrophone using theoretical spectra of overtones", L. Filipczynski, T. Kujawska, and J. Wójcik, proc. of 137th Regular Meeting of the Acoust.Soc.Am. and 2nd Convention of the Europ. Acoust.Assoc. :Forum Acusticum 99 integrating the 25th German Acoustics DAGA Conference (J.Acoust.Soc.Am.105,No. 2,Pt.2, pp.1228, February 1999)
  40. "Temperature Distributions Generated by Focused Ultrasonic Beams in Linear and Nonlinear Propagation", J. Wójcik, L. Filipczynski, T. Kujawska, Proceedings of XV Symposium on Hydroacoustics, Jurata, 26-29 maj 1998, pp.163-168
  41. "Nonlinear effects of Ultrasonic Focused Beams of High Intensity Measured by means of PVDF and Electromagnetic Hydrophones", L. Filipczynski, J. Etienne, T. Kujawska,  G.Łypacewicz, W.Secomski, R.Tymkiewicz, J. Wójcik,  Proceedings of the 47th  ICB  Seminar Ultrasound in Biomeasurements, Diagnostics and Therapy, Warsaw, 1-5 September 1998, (in print)
  42. "Temperatur effects caused by intensive ultrasonic waves used in medical diagnostic technology", L.Filipczynski, T. Kujawska, J. Wójcik, Proceedings of 4th European Conference on Engineering And Medician. Bridging east and west. Warsaw, Poland, May 25-28, 1997, pp.199
  43. "Acoustic streaming generated by ultrasonic transducers, measurements by means of 32 MHz Doppler", A. Nowicki, W. Secomski, J. Wójcik, proc. of EAA, International Symposium on Hydroacoustics and Ultrasonic, Gdańsk-Jurata May,1997, pp.337-342
  44. "Possible temperature increases in soft tissues in the case of nonlinear and linear wave propagation", L. Filipczynski, T. Kujawska, R. Tymkiewicz, J. Wójcik, Proceedings of the EAA  International Symposium on Hydroacoustics and Ultrasonic, Gdańsk-Jurata May 1997, pp.329-332
  45. "Energy Transport in The Nonlinear Ultrasound Wave. The Effective Coefficients of absorption", J. Wójcik, Proceedings of the XLII Open Seminar from the Acoustic, Warszawa-Białowieża, pp.115-120,1995
  46. "Ultrasonic field behind various spherical bodies in the case of pulses of short duration time”, L. Filipczynski, T. Kujawska, J. Wójcik, Proceedings of the World Congress on Ultrasonics, Humbolt-Universitat Berlin,Sept.1995, Part 1, pp.93-96
  47. "Temperature increase in two layer obstetric model of tissues for cases of linear and nonlinear continuous wave propagation", L. Filipczynski, J. Wójcik, Procedings of  the XIIth Symposium on Hydroacoustics, pp.109-116, Gdynia-Jurata Maj 1995
  48. "Temperature increase in ultrasonic beams at various insonation times", L. Filipczynski, T. Kujawska, J. Wójcik, Lecture Notes of the ICB seminars biomeasurements, (International Center of Biocybernetics PAN)Warsaw, September 1994, pp.50-54
  49. "Temperatureffekte in ultraschalldiagnostischen Bundeln", L. Filipczynski, T. Kujawska, J. Wójcik, Proceedings of the 20.Deutsche Jahrestagung fur Akustic. DAGA 94. Technische Hochschule Dresden, 76,1994.


1992      Member of Polish Association to Electromagnetic Applications
Member of Plasmas Physics Section of The Physical Comity of The Polish Academy of Sciences
2000 Member of Polish Acoustics Association
Member of Science Council of IFTR
2004 Member of the Electronical and Material Engineering Commission of the Science Council of IFTR